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Samples of My Work on Behalf of Dentists from Asia
- Residency Implant Prosthodontics, Central Asian
- Foreign-Trained Dentist, DDS/DMD, Filipino-American
- MSC OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Korean
- DDS Russian, San Francisco, Perio, Implants
- DDS, Pakistani Woman Dentist in New York
- DDS International, Ukrainian Applicant
- DDS International, Orthodontics Assistant, Armenian
- Korean DDS Applicant, Underserved in Jamaica
- Pediatric Residency, Special Olympics, Taiwanese
- DDS Admission Application, Asian Woman
- DDS, Immigrant Father, Korean Applicant
- DDS Admission, Mother’s Inspiration, Philippines
- DDS Admission, Dentist Father, Korea, Canada
- DDS Admission, Korean Community
- DDS Admission, Dental Office Receptionist, Korean
- DDS Dental School, Shadowing, Korean Immigrant
- Dental Residency, Advanced Education, Vietnam
- Pediatric Dental Residency, Cheerful Taiwanese
- DDM, CAAPID Application Filipino Applicant
- International Dentist, Political Refugee, Bhutan
Korean Woman Applicant: Additional Material for International Dentist Application Directed to a Specific Program
A multilingual Korean woman, I appreciate the rich celebration of diversity that is integral to the XXXX community, with a variety of student groups based on ethnicity, sports clubs, research, and workshops, etc. I look forward to contributing to the diversity of XXXX’s Local and Global community services since I adore multicultural interaction and solidarity in the advancement of oral health knowledge, particularly when members of certain communities are underserved.
I hope to be selected for your summer mentoring program at XXXX. This would be such an honor for me since educating young people about dentistry is especially close to my heart. Interacting with other dental students, and the young people chosen to participate in the program would represent some of the highest moments of my professional life I am certain, building lasting relationships as part of XXXX’s oral health community. I strongly believe my years of experience working with high school students through an educational services company, XXXX, as an office manager and tutor, along with my experience of mentoring high school students at my workplace, Cambridge Dental Associates, will help me to distinguish myself in your program. I am particularly excited about the prospect of participating in a program providing early exposure to dentistry for high school students, giving them a taste of a future, most noble, career.
It would also be a profound honor to be selected to join your pre-doctoral research group at XXXX, given my enthusiasm for restorative dentistry, especially because of my recent shadowing and assisting experiences. I was long curious, for example, about what makes composite less durable than amalgam, exploring complex chemical processes that happen in the progression of degradation of the material and eventually result in a second cavity. I am extremely excited about the prospect of learning as much as I can about this area of dentistry in the years to come.
XXXX University’s XXXX School of Dental Medicine was for me love at first sight, one day late last Fall when I attended a pre-dental workshop held by Dentists for Humanity in Cambridge, MA. One of the most exciting days of my life, I was totally absorbed, listening to fascinating and wide-ranging testimonies from alumni and current BU dental students. I so very much enjoyed the rich dynamic of conversations, the intensity of sharing with other dentistry professionals from around the world.
Among the many things that I love about XXXX, I especially appreciate its thoroughgoing emphasis on professional ethics in dentistry. As a psychology major, I have long been aware of the critical importance of emotional health; and the close, symbiotic relationship between body and mind. I was hugely impressed by the keynote lecture by XXXX, JD, MBA, where she underlined the importance of ethics. I see your program as imbued with humanitarian values and a global perspective as well as a general emphasis on the fundamental importance of empathy and compassion. I passionately believe that these values should be given a high priority in dental school, beginning with the very first year, and I see your program as exemplary in this regard.
Dental students need to be equipped with the ability to understand their patients’ feelings and circumstances to be able to treat them holistically, and with compassionate professionalism. Patients must be accorded the fullest dignity as human beings and the dentist must always be aware of the way that patients’ physical and emotional health are always intertwined since success in dentistry requires full attention to the emotional as well as physical well-being of the patient. As Dr. Sarkis so accurately suggested, ethics developed through collected experience in life and is something that we must continue to refine daily.
Thank you for considering my application to the finest dentistry program in the world, at XXXX.
On Sunday, June 3rd, a group of over 60 volunteers gathered at the Vietnamese Civic Center on 11360 Bellaire Blvd, Ste. 900, Houston, TX 77072 to host the first ever “Offer A Hand" Health Fair. The purpose of the event was to offer free dental, eye, pharmaceutical and medical screenings to the Asian communities. This is the largest event of its kind in Houston and involved the collaboration of 3 prominent Asian civic groups: the Lions Club, Vietnamese Chapter (led by Mrs. Cuc Le, President), Houston Asian American Dental Society (led by Dr. Bryan Chu, President, and Dr. Thai Vuu, Community Director), and the Federation of Vietnamese Au Co Women (led by Dr. Linh Chu, Board Director). The Vietnamese Houston Women also came out to help provide lunch for all the volunteers, and the dental students from the Dental Student Association of the University of Texas, School of Dentistry were among the helpers.
At eight o'clock in the morning, patients started to gather at the front door of the Civic Center. As the volunteers began to set up, news crews from four different television stations also arrived to record the event. The TV stations were VAN TV, BYN, VietFace TV, and Houston Saigon Network. Once the door opened, patients were welcomed and greeted by the volunteers from the Lions Club at the registration desk. After that, they were instructed by the members of the Federation of Vietnamese Au Co Women to fill out the health history forms. The participants were given the choice of having either a dental or eye exam, or both. They were then led to the first table to have their blood pressure taken and consulted by Dr. Ban Vu and Dr. Anh Do (MDs). Next, they were brought to the dental exam stations where five groups of dentists, dental assistants, dental hygienists, and dental students, were providing visual evaluations and recommendations for treatment. Those who signed up for eye exams were escorted to the eye exam stations. Dr. Diep Dinh and Dr. Hieu Do (optometrists) performed the exams and passed out eye drops to the patients. Dr. Dieu-Thao Nguyen (pharmacist) also lent a hand by providing pharmaceutical consultations and giving out calcium and vitamin supplements to the elders. She also performed blood glucose testing for those who requested. Before leaving, patients also received toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss, courtesy of Proctor and Gamble Company and members of the Houston Asian American Dental Society. Overall, there were about one hundred patients who received dental, eye, medical care, and vouchers for eyeglasses. The Lions Club provided the vouchers.
Russian Applicant Sample 1st 2 Paragraphs: DDS International
A dentist from Russia, I permanently immigrated to the USA last year in 2013 and I have settled in San Francisco. I could not be happier in my new community, and I hope very much to be accepted to your competitive program so that I might resume my career here in America and work extremely hard to make my maximum contribution to our profession and my newly adopted community.
The Bay Area has one of the principal concentrations of Russian speakers in America with more arriving all the time. Many Russian-speaking immigrants, especially from Ukraine—increasingly because of current political turmoil—have few economic resources to pay for dental care. I feel strongly that dental, like medical care, optimally takes place in one’s native language to facilitate communication. Thus, my central professional dream is to open my own dental clinic in San Francisco that would cater primarily to Russian speakers. Furthermore, I see it as my civic and human duty to charge on a sliding scale, treating my patients at a cost that they can afford to pay.
Most Recently Edited Samples
- Pediatric Dentistry Residency, Vietnamese Applicant
- Iraqi Woman International Dentist DDS, Endo
- Indian Woman Dentist, Implantology, Dental Education
- Masters Periodontology, Residency, Saudi
- Prosthodontics Residency Kuwaiti Dentist
- Residency Implant Prosthodontics, Central Asian
- DDS International, Indian, Prosthodontics
- Foreign-Trained Dentist, DDS/DMD, Filipino-American
- Orthodontics Residency, Masters, American
- DDS International, Pediatric Dentistry, Indian Woman
- Pediatric Residency, Older, Community Service
- International Dentist, Maxillofacial Surgery, Algerian
- Letter of Recommendation, Indian Periodontologist
- LOR, Letter of Recommendation, Indian Dentist
- DDS, Iraqi Woman Dentist Trained in Jordan
- US Air Force Dentistry Application, Iraqi Dentist
- Advanced Placement International Dentist, Indian
- International DDS, Digital Radiography, Indian
- DDS International Dentist Program, Indian Dentist
- MS Prosthodontics Canada, Syrian Applicant
- Endodontics, Middle East, Egypt, Saudi
- MSC OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Korean
- LOR OMFS Radiology Residency, Korean
- International Postgraduate Periodontics, Israeli
- Endodontics Residency, Pediatric, Special Needs
Professional Statement Writing and Editing Service for Admission to Dental School
With maximum creativity, research, priority attention, and as many drafts as needed!
International Dentist from Pakistan
Having qualified in 2004, I acquired significant and extremely broad experience in dentistry in Pakistan. Much of my experience was acquired in two specialist dental hospitals, initially as a House Surgeon and subsequently as a Resident in Prosthodontics. These posts provided early exposure to numerous specialties and conditions providing a foundation in dentistry that I believe would be difficult to match. It was common for patients to travel many miles in great pain to seek treatment. I became used to seeing patients who had delayed treatment until their pain had become intolerable. Transforming grimaces of pain into smiles of relief and gratitude certainly confirmed my choice of profession.
During my training and work to date, I have gained considerable experience in treating geriatric patients and their problems. I have an excellent rapport with the elderly and affection for them, which is encouraged in my culture, more so than in the US. The aging of the population will call for many, like me, who have a particular interest and skill in treating the aged and I look forward to doing so, though not exclusively. I also believe that the comprehensiveness of my work to date has provided me with the excellent diagnostic skills required in general practice, especially in identifying illnesses that manifest themselves through dental and oral pain, but which are, in fact, medical problems. I also have a particular interest in, and knowledge of, chronic pain management, gained during my studies for my master's degree.
My goal is to become an expert dentist in general practice. General practice is my favored specialty because of the opportunities to create and maintain long-term relationships with patients and indeed, whole families and communities, and to provide education in oral and dental health to patients and others, especially children and young people. I hope to get to know my patients as individuals and to treat them as such.
I have acquired a great deal of exposure to the US dental environment since moving here in 2006. I obtained my MDS degree at XXXX in Temporomandibular Joint disorders and Orofacial Pain Management. I have also completed an observership in a busy private clinic and have been employed as a Dental Assistant in the US. In addition, I regularly study professional journals and research papers to keep abreast of the latest developments in a world where new techniques and materials are being developed at such an exciting pace. I have also attended numerous workshops and seminars on a wide range of relevant issues both in the US and in Pakistan.
I am keenly aware that a dentist working in the US must be culturally sensitive and aware. My own experiences have been useful in creating these characteristics. I came to the US from Pakistan and understand the challenges involved in adjusting to a new, and occasionally baffling culture. I have happily worked, treated, and socialized with people from many social and ethnic backgrounds and generations. I am fluent in English, Urdu, and Punjabi. I have undertaken work with the poor and underserved in my training and career to date and see voluntary work as an obligation rather than a choice. I certainly intend to give some of my time and skills to those less fortunate than myself throughout my career both here and in Pakistan.
I am especially drawn to your program because of the prestigious faculty, the excellence of the facilities available to students, and the emphasis on treatment planning and comprehensive patient care. I believe that my background will enable me to ‘add value’ to the program and will provide me with the additional and higher skills and knowledge to enable me to achieve my goal of becoming a first-class general practitioner trained and skilled to the highest standard possible.
To summarize: My record will attest that I am academically able; I have significant and broad experience in the profession; I have acquired significant exposure to the US dental environment but, most importantly, I passionately wish to bring the absolute best dental care and education to as wide a population as possible.
Thank you for considering my application.
All of the Statement samples on this web site were written more than 2 years ago and all are anonymous.
Skype: DrRobertEdinger
1st 2 Paragraphs, Dental School Admission, Pakistani in Canada
Coming to Canada from my native Pakistan in 2012 to begin my education at XXXX University, now that I am entering my final semester to earn my biology degree, I could not be more pleased to be working towards becoming a dentist in Quebec, since there is a shortage of dentists in our province. Serving the people of Quebec as a dentist—and especially the underserved members of our community—will provide me with the best of all opportunities to give something back to the people of Quebec, showing my appreciation for the fact that Canada has provided me with such a wonderful new home.
I was also enormously pleased to discover that one of my two native languages, Punjabi, is the third most frequently spoken native language in Quebec, after English and French. I am convinced that speaking all three of Quebec’s most frequently spoken languages, in addition to Urdu, will enable me to excel at treating the oral health needs of broad sectors of Quebec’s immigrant population, especially those who have the greatest need for oral health care and education.
Nepal Dental Volunteering
Sheffield Dental Elective 2014 - Vietnam and Thailand. A compilation of the highlights from our dental elective trip from the University of Sheffield, UK, across Vietnam and Thailand.
Sample Introduction for Pakistani Dentist
I was determined to ‘make a difference’ rather than to merely ‘make a living’ with my life from early childhood and in dentistry, I have found a wonderful way of fulfilling that ambition by restoring smiles and alleviating pain, and in training others to do the same. The most impressive dentist I have worked with is a US-trained Pakistani dentist who leads a team that treats patients at a charity dental camp twice each year for a week in a deprived area of my country. It is my hope to emulate him, to benefit from the first-class advanced training that he has received, and to pass on the benefits of that training to my patients, junior colleagues, and students in my home country, Pakistan.
I have a particular interest in pediatric dentistry, and I am trusted to supervise the pediatric section of the charity dental camp. I have empathy for child patients and find that I can put both child patients and anxious parents at ease. My research interests include pediatric dentistry, esthetic work, and Implantology.
Search by Specialty, Degree, or Country of Origin
Answers to Application Questions, Hmong, Vietnamese Applicant
My recent experiences have contributed immensely to my professional growth and maturation as an aspiring dentist. In Turkey’s Disperisi Dental Clinic, I met many war refugees and learned their stories. Back in the US, the XXXX ASDA Pre-Dental Chair asked me to write about my experiences in Turkey for our pre-dental newsletters, to encourage other students to broaden their horizons concerning what it means to practice global dentistry. As a volunteer, I continued to develop my fine motor skills working as a MOH technician. It was a special privilege for me to serve in the XXXX dermatology clinic processing tissues on histology slides. The environment was like what I will face in dental school: fast-paced, detail-oriented, with long hours. Here, I was able to hone my manual dexterity and gain first-hand experience working with patients. In addition to earning my master's degree, I have also now taken medical school courses alongside first-year medical students. This has also prepared me for the rigors of dental school.
I enjoy creating 3D miniature origami structures. This requires a steady hand to cut a panoply of shapes using sheets of paper, and strong hand-eye coordination to assemble the tiny pieces into structures. This activity pushes the boundaries of my manual dexterity because I must use 2D pictorial presentations to create 3D objects. Patience and attention to detail are the keys to success. Much like a puzzle, each piece must connect with all other pieces. As with dentistry, this requires adroit handling of very delicate objects and manipulating them with great precision.
Sonoma State University, Research Assistant, 2011-2015
As a research assistant for four years, I have honed my persistence and overcome roadblocks each time they occurred during my research. Up to date, our research has successfully released 450 Western Pond turtles (WPT), slowing their population decline. Each nesting season I would spend months tracking, marking, and monitoring gravid females. I also made exclusion devices for the nests. I collected eggs, incubated them in SSU’s lab, recorded different temperatures, traveled to the zoo in Oakland as well as San Francisco Zoo to measure WPT growth, and researched competition for food.
International Student Volunteer
Spending a month in Costa Rica as a volunteer, I was involved in two projects: conducting scientific research to support community agriculture initiatives and conducting wildlife inventories in terrestrial and marine ecosystems, to better understand healthy biodiversity. These projects allowed me to contribute to and help protect the natural environment, helping to shape policies for a sustainable future through data collecting, and completely immersing myself in the local culture and lifestyle.
Senior Anatomy Teacher Assistant
My responsibilities as a lead TA included preparing dissections, instructing students during dissection, creating lab examination questions, and leading group lessons. In addition to helping to clarify clinical concepts, I also helped to address student concerns, especially about cadaver-related ethics, the nature of donation, and the close relationship between anatomical and ethical concerns. Those responsibilities have helped to develop my teaching skills, nontechnical leadership ability, and assessment and communication skills.
St. Joseph Dental Clinic Volunteer
As a volunteer at the St. Joseph Dental Clinic, I shadowed a pediatric dentist and performed general exams, cleanings, and prophylaxis, and helped to make composites. In addition, I assisted with taking dental X-rays, charting, sterilization, and organizing and preparing equipment for procedures. My volunteerism extended to additional clinic programs including The Mighty Mouth and the Mobil clinics. Here, I was a dental educational presenter, reaching out to 3,000 students in under-served elementary schools and families in rural communities, with a focus on preventative dental care.
General Dental Office – Dr. Yock 2014
I observed Dr. Yock and her assistants perform a variety of general dental procedures including scaling, root planning, cavity preparation, crowning, fillings, and cleanings. I was also able to become quite familiar with the instruments used for each procedure such as the Perio probe to check the patient’s gums for pockets and using the Cavitron to remove calculus during cleaning.
nothin’ film 2014
I was able to share my culture in a unique way by translating the film Haunted Hỏa Lò, which premiered in Spain at the 56th Bilbao International Documentary. The documentary explored the construction of an infamous colonial prison in Hanoi. Researching the materials required me to actively read, listen to, and compose in the target language. In addition to translating, I also served as a Vietnamese cultural consultant, working with the team in the resolution of any cultural issues or faux pas that might arise.
I observed Dr. XXXX and his assistants perform a variety of orthodontic procedures, taking panoramic X-rays, applying initial bonding, disbanding braces, and making impressions to create a molding model for patient retainers. I was amazed to see what a difference a few months of restructuring the anatomy of the teeth and the jaws could make. I also came to more fully realize the weighty responsibility of the orthodontist to guide their patients towards the best treatment option, to share the cost to the extent to which it is possible, and to always leave the final decision up to the patient and their family.
HCOP University of Minnesota
I saw my one-month fellowship at the HCOP University of Minnesota as a dress rehearsal for dental school. I got acquainted with the dental simulation lab and practiced hands-on skills including waxing, cavity preparation, making impressions, and casts. As an extension of the program, I also shadowed dental students performing procedures on patients in the school’s clinics and in clinics in the community. I helped collect research data on the Hmong populations to analyze the effects of values, beliefs, and traditions on oral health disparities within their communities, and to discuss solutions for these issues.
Mesa and Science Technology – Chemistry Tutor
As a chemistry tutor, I focused on helping students master problem-solving techniques, unpack the text, take better notes, learn memorization and visualization skills, and overcome test anxiety. I did so in a personal way, letting them know about my own struggles with chemistry in the past, to encourage them and help them to feel relaxed and to ask questions about the material. I was their coach, using the Socratic method, helping students to arrive at an explanation of the material on their own, rather than simply providing it for them, so that it would sink in.
Native American Health Center
Volunteering at the Native American Health Center, I experienced firsthand the success of patient-dentist relationships. I observed the extraction of teeth and assisted with charting using advanced software, disinfected treatment rooms, and prepared equipment for root canals, extractions, fillings, and crowns. I would allay patients’ anxiety, especially during a first visit for younger patients by sharing my experience of my own very first visit to the dentist.
Disperisi Clinic
Shadowing in Turkey for a month at the Disperisi Clinic, I soon came to more adequately grasp the vast disparities that exist in oral health care on a global level. Many of the patients being cared for were war refugees and their plight made an incredibly special impression on my heart. It was difficult to observe young people getting extractions to receive dentures. However, each dentist exuded a sense of warmth, humanity, and compassion. Patients in a great deal of pain were given priority attention. I was struck by and learned many valuable things from the egalitarian spirit of the clinic and the noble struggle going on there to attend to so many in such desperate need, with few resources. I will always remember the genuine, broad smiles on the patients’ faces when their treatment was over.
Travel Tech Moh’s Services
As a Moh’s technician, I traveled to multiple clinical settings. These fast-paced environments required me to multitask and be detail-oriented, as I developed microscope slides for surgeons to examine sections of tissues from pre-diagnosed lesions of skin cancer. To bring down the tissue margins flat onto the slide, I used my keen eye. I operated complicated equipment such as the cryostat and further developed my manual dexterity as I would freeze and cut the specimens to 4 microns thick. The work helped me to appreciate the central, crucial importance of teamwork more fully.
Lincoln Memorial University – Project Leader
I lead my team to develop the first photographically documented images of whole-body dissections for Lincoln Memorial University’s LMU-DCOM Anatomy Department. With school approval, I photographed donors that had been pre-dissected using DSLR and then sorted out the highest quality images with ideal structures. I then used Adobe Photoshop to crop, color code, and label anatomical features. The project required enormous persistence to create a variety of visually engaging anatomical images to help facilitate learning, especially in the anatomy lab.
Sonoma State Science Symposium Award
After four years as a research assistant in the first Western Pond Turtle Head Start program in California, I was given the opportunity to present the results of our research at the SSU Science Symposium. The large and comprehensive body of knowledge about the behavior and biology of the Western Pond turtle won us the Science Symposium Award. Winning brought awareness about the hazards of introducing non-native species into California’s only native aquatic turtle habitats. The award inspired a sense of pride and helped bring awareness to the community.
Sonoma State MESA Outstanding Achievement Award
I received Sonoma State’s MESA Outstanding Achievement Award for my contributions as a chemistry and anatomy tutor as well as a pre-health mentor. My previous struggles with chemistry led me to develop effective study techniques which I then applied in assisting my tutees: especially with materials they found most challenging. My work also extended beyond teaching and included assisting students with class registration and creating on-campus networks that aided their personal development as they prepared to apply to competitive programs.
International Volunteer Service Award
I received the International Volunteer Service Award for volunteering a month in Costa Rica to collect data and monitor endangered species and their habitats in both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Dedication and a keen sense of perception were required to find elusive creatures in their natural habitat. I also collected essential data on plants such as fruit-bearing trees and on animals such as poison dart frogs, dolphins, and whales. The data I collected on these projects were used to assist Costa Rican researchers with the development of management strategies to protect resources while addressing the needs and interests of their community.
Sonoma State Scholarship
I was honored to receive a scholarship from Sonoma State, and I am grateful for the opportunities it provided me. This scholarship has played a key role in helping me stay afloat financially during my undergraduate studies. Because of the scholarship, I was able to reduce my employment hours and had more time to focus on my studies, research, and volunteer engagement.
Assistance League Scholarship
Being awarded the Assistance League Scholarship provided me with the opportunity to become the first member of my family to attend a four-year college. The financial assistance was an immense help with my successful transition into college by paying my first year’s educational expenses. As a result of this assistance, I was inspired to assist other potential students who grew up in less privileged communities to attend college as well. I did so by helping to form the Hmong Alliance Club in my later years of college.