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One-year, Internship Program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)
A Korean man set to graduate from dental school at XXXX University this year, 2018, my goal as an oral surgeon is simple, to serve humanity. I seek to always think globally as well as locally, following in the footsteps of my father, a dentist in Korea who has made numerous trips to remote regions of Mongolia to treat children with cleft lip and palate; and my foremost mentor in dental school who cares for mostly Medicaid patients. For me, oral surgery is a duty, a mission, and primarily a humanitarian enterprise.
I hope to be accepted to a one-year internship program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS) based on my zeal for caring for the underserved, in addition to my distinguished record of accomplishment as a student of dentistry. After completing your program, I plan to continue in OMFS and complete a master's degree in this area as well. Completing your one-year internship program first will allow me to achieve special excellence in a master's degree Program.
The most singular aspect of my own sojourn in dentistry has been the fact that I first completed two years of medical school curriculum before beginning dental school, both at Harvard. This helped to equip me with extensive medical knowledge that is most useful for an oral surgeon. I am a compassionate young man with a refined bedside manner, and I have also contributed my time extensively towards the advancement of a variety of research projects in my field. I read myself to sleep every night staying abreast of all the literature dealing with the development of advanced procedures in oral surgery. in stem cell and bone biology. My focus has become more clinical research-oriented, especially with respect to CAD/CAM and 3D technology research for which I have recently extensively studied 3D printing technology in resin crown fabrication. I look forward to learning all that I can about the integration of 3D technology in different areas of oral maxillofacial surgery.
I keenly look forward to giving as much time as I can to helping the underserved throughout the balance of my professional life. At the same time, my priority is to always stay abreast of literature and emerging information regarding breakthroughs in clinical practice and research. I look forward to becoming an expert surgeon who never stops striving for improvement, every day. I hope to always stay humble while I give my all to those who are in greatest need. I too plan to see mostly Medicaid patients here in America and increasingly support dental missions to the Developing World as my career progresses and I have time available.
“Uffino?” (Painful in Mongolian) I asked an 11-year-old Mongolian boy as my father was giving him numerous local injections on his cleft lip and palate area and right iliac crest harvest sites. He simply shook his head sideways and trembled in pain, but with a determined look in his eyes, gazing up at my father as some kind of savior. As a student in high school, I sometimes accompanied my father on his charity mission trips to Mongolia. I also served as a Hospice volunteer from my sophomore through senior years in college. As a student in dental school, I have had the privilege of helping to treat patients in the county jail. The clinic in the jail was under-resourced and understaffed. One dentist and I, a student, took care of the oral health care needs of hundreds of patients after spending weeks if not months on a waiting list. Mostly, we did simple fillings, cleaning, pulpectomy, and extractions. I am also in my fourth year of service with the Action for Children and Teens in Oral Health Need Program (ACTION), serving as an assistant for my first two years and since then providing care for children and teens from local underserved populations. In 2017, I went on my first mission trip to Haiti, under the supervision of XXXX Dental School faculty; my classmates and I provided care to large numbers of people in great need. Upon my arrival, I was shocked because the situation was far worse than I had expected. Many of the patients had non-restorable carious teeth that required extractions. Most of the time was spent with extractions and follow-ups, but we were also able to devote a great deal of time to much-needed oral health education. I derived especially great satisfaction from alleviating such great pain for so many. I will always remember the expression on their faces.
I am proud of having treated many patients with extremely low dental IQs, especially Medicaid patients in dental school; and medically compromised patients as well, sometimes non-compliant; particularly when I was treating veterans at XXXX VA. During my three months with the VA in XXXX, I was involved with numerous procedures including extractions, implants, bone (bloc) grafts, ridge augmentation, sinus lifts, and oral cancer. I especially prized the opportunity to contribute to the successful surgical resolution of an ameloblastoma case.
Thank you for consideration of my application to your distinguished one-year internship program in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery.
All of the Statement samples on this web site were written more than 2 years ago and all are anonymous.
Skype: DrRobertEdinger
Professional Statement Writing and Editing Service for Admission to Dental School
With maximum creativity, research, priority attention, and as many drafts as needed!
Professional Statement Writing and Editing Service for Admission to Dental School
From US$99.00 Introductory Paragraph Complimentary
Samples of My Work for Admission to Dental School
- Indian Woman Dentist, Implantology, Dental Education
- DDS International, Indian, Prosthodontics
- Foreign-Trained Dentist, DDS/DMD, Filipino-American
- DDS, Iraqi Woman Dentist Trained in Jordan
- Advanced Placement International Dentist, Indian
- International DDS, Digital Radiography, Indian
- DDS International Dentist Program, Indian Dentist
- MSC OMFS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Korean
- DDS International, Dentist from Brazil
- DDS International Advanced Standing, Indian Woman
- CAAPID, Indian Applicant with MPH
- DDS Russian, San Francisco, Perio, Implants
- DDS International Advanced Standing, Turkish
- DDS, Pakistani Woman Dentist in New York
- DDS, Indian Applicant, New Zealand
- DDS, Indian Woman Dentist, Mother
- DDS International, Egyptian Dentist
- DDS Indian Woman Dentist in USA
- DDS International, Bilingual, Dominican Republic
- DDS, Dental Pain, Indian Woman
- DDS International, Ukrainian Applicant
- DDS International, Indian Woman Doctor
- DDS International, New Mother from India
- DDS International, Orthodontics Assistant, Armenian
- CAAPID, Experienced Dental Surgeon, India
- DDS International Dentist from India, Canada
- DDS, International Dentist, Indian Woman
- Master’s Orthodontics, Chinese, Thai
- Korean DDS Applicant, Underserved in Jamaica
- DDS, International Dentist, Radiology, OMS, India
- DDS, International Dentist, Kerala, India
- DDS Applicant, American in Pre-Med Course
- ADEA, CAAPID Admission Application, Indian
- International Dentist Admission, Indian Applicant
- Residency Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Syrian
- DDS International Dentist, Iraq, Jordan
- Dental School Admission, Iranian Woman, Pre-Med
- DDS Degree, Iraq's Olympic Swim Team
- DDS Admission Application, Asian Woman
- DDS, Immigrant Father, Korean Applicant
- DDS, Dental Hygienist, Family Clinic, Missions
- DDS Application in Canada, Indian
- DDS Admission, Mother’s Inspiration, Philippines
- DDS Admission, Dentist Father, Korea, Canada
- DDS Admission, Korean Community
- DDS Admission, Comp Sci, Iranian in Canada
- DDS Admission, Dental Office Receptionist, Korean
- DDS Indian Applicant, Canada Writing Service
- DDS, International Dentist Application, Indian
- DDS, Dental School, Dentist Father Role Model
Sample 1st 2 Paragraphs Personal Statement for Admission to Dental School in Canada
Coming to Canada from my native Pakistan in 2012 to begin my education at McGill University, now that I am entering my final semester to earn my biology degree, I could not be more pleased to be working towards becoming a dentist in Quebec, since there is a shortage of dentists in our province. Serving the people of Quebec as a dentist—and especially the underserved members of our community—will provide me with the best of all opportunities to give something back to the people of Quebec, showing my appreciation for the fact that Canada has provided me with such a wonderful new home.
I was also enormously pleased to discover that one of my two native languages, Punjabi, is the third most frequently spoken native language in Quebec, after English and French. I am convinced that speaking all three of Quebec’s most frequently spoken languages, in addition to Urdu, will enable me to excel at treating the oral health needs of broad sectors of Quebec’s immigrant population, especially those who have the greatest need for oral health care and education.
Search by Specialty, Degree, or Country of Origin
OMFS Oral and Maxillofacil Surgery Residency, Indian Applicant
An Indian American who came to the USA at the age of fourteen, I am now a fourth-year dental student at XXXX Medical College School of Dentistry. I seek further education in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS) because this is the area of dentistry that will allow me to make my fullest professional contribution, particularly to the underserved. A deeply spiritual man and a firm believer in Karma, I strive to practice dentistry as a yogi who practices meditation giving my all but doing so effortlessly. Not motivated by material gain, I seek a life of service as its own reward. As suggested in one of the foremost works in our Indian, spiritual repository, the Bhagavad Gita: “…one should act as a matter of duty, for by working without attachment one attains the Supreme.” It is my dream to give back to society and serving the underprivileged is not only my duty but also my own personal nirvana, where I experience the greatest joy and fulfillment.
Growing up in a rural village in India shaped my perception of the world around me. The moments of greatest impact that I internalized from my childhood in India had to do with the deplorable condition of healthcare in my country. It is my hope that these moments continue to guide my vision to be a healthcare leader that is conscientious and effective in reducing disparities in access to oral healthcare. At XXXX School of Dentistry, I feel privileged to be educated by some well-rounded clinicians. These great mentors have each inspired me to be a diverse and competitive clinician. I have maintained an excellent academic record, invested countless hours shadowing and assisting OMS residents in the operating room, completed numerous OMS externships, and provided care to the underserved through collaboration with various non-profit organizations, both domestically and internationally. My schedule is usually filled with volunteer work, research engagements, and supporting my peers by tutoring Oral Surgery, Periodontics, Dental Pharmacology, Biochemistry, Physiology, and Microbiology – as well as assisting with campus organizations. Assuming a leadership role in our local chapter of the American Dental Education Association, (ADEA), I have helped to institute several programs to aid our colleagues succeed both academically and clinically. “Learning through Technology,” for example, is a program I coordinate and lead, which involves the production, editing, and digital distribution of educational videos that display our professors demonstrating various clinical procedures for the students. I aspire to gain admission into the most diverse OMS program that can fully enhance my diagnostic skills, expand the breadth of treatments at which I have the expertise, and subsequently allow me to develop a practice where I will be able to thoroughly incorporate my special focus on underprivileged residents in my community. As a passionate researcher, I seek a program that incorporates research collaborations with other specialties to provide the finest evidence-based care possible to patients.
As the first member of my family to attend graduate school, I appreciate the opportunities that I have been afforded and shall always strive to uphold the highest of ethical standards in my profession and stay engaged in research and organized dentistry. My most cherished personal and professional goal is to provide oral health care for the underserved. Dedicated to academia, I envision culminating my professional career teaching OMS. My other long-term dream for this epoch still a long way down the road, is to become a founder of a non-profit OMS clinic. Based on my exceptionally positive attitude, excellent work ethic, diverse clinical experiences, and caring personality, I hope to distinguish myself in your program. Upon completion of your OMS program, I look forward to providing care as a matter of duty and working without attachment to attain what is for me supreme - through dentistry.